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Shadow of fear of death Not a shadow A silent question in every eye How will corona die How will be the first happiness How will unemployment slow down Suggest no concrete solution Scientists are also looking for a fool Good thing too Everyone except human has been pleased As if the creator had rebuilt the earth From the earth to the sky is full of pride Human's body is burnt His spread terror is dead River drains all being clean Thank the creator all together How has this phase come New age is realized Maybe now the era will change Washed away by death bed Human mind will be clean now मौत के खौफ का शोर छाया एक नहीं चहुं ओर छाया हर आंख में एक मौन प्रशन कैसे होगा कोरोना मरण कैसे होगी पहली सी खुशहाली कैसे होगी बेरोजगारी की मंदहाली सुझे ना कोई ठोस उपाय विज्ञानी भी ढूंढ रहे बौखलाय अच्छी बात भी एक हुई है मानव को छोड़ सारी प्रक्ति प्रसन्न हुई है मानों विधाता ने धरा पर ...