Adhatam Upnishad 1- 10 सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं

Shiv Jal Abhishek

  Click here for Shiv Pooja

Adhatam Upnishad 1- 10

1. In the cavity of the heart inside the body resides one (unique), aja (never born), nitya (eternal).  Earth is its body, it lives inside the earth;  But the Earth does not know this.  Whose body is water, which lives in water, but water does not kno seew it.  Tej whose body is, which is transmitted under Tej, but Tej who does not know.  Whose body is the body, which is transmitted inside the air, but the air is not known.  The sky is the body, which is transmitted in the sky, but the sky is not known.  The mind is the body, which is transmitted in the mind, but the mind is not known.  Whose body is there, which resides in the intellect, but the intellect is not known.  Whose body is ego, which resides in ego, but ego which it does not know.  The mind whose body is transmitted in the mind, but the mind that does not know.  Avyakta whose body is, which is transmitted in avyakta, but avyakta which it does not know.  A letter whose body is transmitted in a letter, but a letter it does not know.  Whose body is death, which is transmitted in death, but death is not known - it is their conscience located in everything, it is sinless and it is a divine Devnarayan.  The body and the senses are non-subject.  Regarding them, 'I and my feeling' is only adhyas (illusion), so the scholar should remove this adhyas (illusion) through Brahmasthani (Brahm Gyan)


Consider yourself to be a witness to your intellect and your instinct, and consider yourself a soul.  He is me  With this 'Soham' instinct, abandon your intellect with all your extra things


.Except demonetisation (following the world), dehumanization should also be discarded.  After dehumanization, one should also abandon scripture, after this one should abandon self-practice (self-delusion). 


By always staying in your self-image, the mind of a Yogi Purush gets destroyed by knowing everyone his own self through Yukti, Shruti (Shravan) and Self-realization. 

5  One should think of the soul in the soul, never letting opportunity for sleep, folklore, verbal themes and self-forgetfulness.

6 This body, which is filled with feces and flesh, produced from the filth (filth) of the mother and father, by removing it like a chandala (by abandoning one's sense of self with the body), be thankful in the form of Brahman.

Hey!  Always dissolve with unbroken emotion by dissolving the soul in the divine, like the light in the sky.


Self-illuminated, self-styled and established (Brahm) forms, the universe and the body should also be abandoned like a hymn.


By applying the arrogance and wisdom on the body to the soul as a sadananda and mind, leaving the linga (self-knowledge), always be only a form of self.


O sinless!  Just as the (giant) Pur (city) is seen in the mirror, similarly be grateful by knowing yourself 'I am Brahma'.


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

Shiv Jal Abhishek

  Click here for Shiv Pooja

How to Provide Positivity to Others to Heal them

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